Monday 12 November 2012

12.11.12: One good. One great.

Today, I was back on placement. Back with the Year 6 class, back in the chaos of schools, and back in charge.

The day began with Literacy - in which we are teaching the Jabberwocky - I took the lowest set, and we worked pretty damn hard to understand what a noun, verb, adjective and adverb are. We then dissected the first stanza of the poem deciding, based on the sentence structure, what nonsense words were (noun, verb, etc.)  and finally deciding how we each individually interpret the nonsense words to mean.

Tip of the week: if you do the above, do not let the children look up certain words on the internet (mimsy being one) as there are all sorts of issues....

This afternoon, we took a science lesson, 'on the hoof' as it were. I cannot take a lot of credit for the lesson as my placement partner took most of it, with myself interjecting mainly for clarification and more technical information (such as the difference between melting and dissolving). But it was an out and out success. I shall be leading this same lesson on Wednesday, so I took note of the positives and the negatives (there were very few) and as out double act goes, hope that it is fine tuned by then!

As for now, I am off to read a book for my assignment (told you I would do it...)

S x

Sunday 11 November 2012

11.11.12: Today we remember.

It has been a long time since I last blogged.... and today I fear I will not make up for that fact, but I will try to update all that has happened in the last month or so....

Placement, classes, assignment prep week and skills tests.

1) Placement 1a part 1.
One week in a year 6 class. 34 rather rowdy children, all individuals (very much so) rather tough to break through to, and a school trip - where no one fell into the river, so at least it was a success in that respect, although I'm not entirely convinced the class learnt anything.... I go back there for two weeks starting tomorrow, and we go armed with a weeks worth of English lessons (we only have to teach one lesson). Hopeing it will go a lot more smoothly that I anticipate, but if not, it's a good learning experience right?

2) Classes. A million of them.
So much information is being shot at us for so many different subjects that my head is not given enough time absorb it all. I find it amazing that we are given 3 classes - 4.5hrs - for each subject (aside from Maths, English, Science and PE, which thankfully we have slightly more of) but from this we are next year supposed to be able to take a years worth of lessons.... I'm sure we probably could take the lessons now without any classes, however, there is currently a call for a higher quality of Primary School teaching, and thus teachers, so logically I would assume the more classes we have for each individual subject the better we will be able to teach them?

3) Assignment Prep Week.
I failed miserably at the whole notion of 'assignment preparation'. I have had 4 books from the library for the past 4 weeks and failed to get beyond the first page of the first book... It would be a motivation and time management thing. But mainly the motivation thing. The assignment is on formative assessment (not the curriculum as the assignment title would have you believe.... it being called 'the curriculum assignment' and all) Despite what it is about, and the importance of it in the classroom - of which I completely understand - the books are so dry that I cannot force myself to read them right at this moment. By next week however, I promise I will be able to report that I have read at least two, hopefully 3.

4) Skills Tests.
This, is one thing at which I have actually, completely and utterly succeeded at during the last month. I recommend to everyone to attempt the practice tests, and to purchase the 'Achieving QTS: Passing the Literacy/Numeracy Skills Test' books, in order to give confidence (even if you are brilliant at one subject) and in order to better understand the format of the tests and working under the time constraints. As I said, I have, very proudly, passed both, first time. I found the actual tests to be easier than the practice tests, which was a very pleasant surprise, however the testing room is not the nicest of places - if you have completed your driving theory, then you know exactly what it is like as it is literally the same testing room. With the same flickery/old computers.

Right, wish me luck with Part 2 of my placement, hopefully the class will be calmer and less argumentative than during part 1....

S x

Sunday 14 October 2012

14.10.2012: One day till Placement 1a

Tomorrow begins placement 1a, and today I find myself wishing my printer was working.... As it is not, I have a lot of documents on my computer that should be in paper format. Guess I will be taking my laptop along with me tomorrow! Despite the lack of printed documentation, I am pretty much organised (for the first day at least!)

I am also in need of buying several hundred books... I could borrow them from the library, however all the copies seem to be constantly out. I know I can reserve them for when I get back into classes (odd system where by if someone else wishes to borrow a book your lease on it drops from one week to two days, and as I live so far from the university and my placement is ridiculously far away, any recalls will have to be patient!) but I would feel bad because I know if I want to take out a book for a week, it means I usually will take a week to read it, and I guess others would too?!?

So, Tip of the week.... I guess I have two:

  • Make sure your printer works (at all times throughout the course)
  • Save up a lot of money for books, or learn to read dry textbooks at high speed!
Wishing you all a lovely week, mine will be spent on placement with a 'difficult' class. What fun!

S x

Friday 12 October 2012

12.10.2012: A week of little sleep

I've become a little bogged down in all the work, additionally illness and injury have taken their toll, so have not been able to blog in a while.

Today started out rather stressfully, almost to Cambridge (within 10 miles of our 40ish mile journey, we hit a stand-still. I'm impressed that we had managed this long without a major traffic jam, but today the luck ran out. We sat, with the engine off for over an hour, BUT we were only 15 minutes late for the lecture... All I can surmise from this is that we clearly leave home at least half an hour too early on the average day...

Today, was our last day in University before the first placement. I'm looking forward to being back in a classroom, but at the moment, I'm a little overwhelmed with the amount I need to prepare/sort/read/write/organise etc. We have a placement week, then a three week break before we go back to complete this placement in November. In the 'break' we have two weeks of classes - in which I have a group presentation, and a reading week - which I am going to need! We also have been set our first proper assignment: 6000 words on formative assessment in relation to a certain area of the curriculum. I have science to cover, but am required to make reference to specific examples I see within my placement, so I have background reading to complete right now, but am unable to think about the 'main body' of the assignment until I have started my placement.

There is basically very little time to do anything other than university work, and consequently, I am now finished blogging for today. Back to work I go.

S x

Tuesday 2 October 2012

02.10.2012: Sickness and Books

I've spent the last three days with a sickness bug. I went into University yesterday (I had the essay to hand in) and spent most of the day running out of class. So I took today off. I feel somewhat better, but I'm still not completely there. So, I am reading. I have a wonderful reason for reading - its a requirement to create a reading journal... and I set my target at 100 books over the next year. Which actually could be really easy as tiny people's books can be read in 30 seconds flat. But I can't just read them, I have to read longer books for older children too. So I am investing in several book series. And today I have just started Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. What a great way to get over a sickness bug.

S x

Sunday 30 September 2012

29.09.2012: Essay Writing

Essay writing. All day. Now, at half 12 in the morning, I have finally finished my essay! It is, basically not what I want to have written, I'm not even sure it answers the question, but it is done. And ultimately, this essay is not assessed, just a requirement.

Really short post as I have done nothing but type all day!

Have a nice weekend, I shall head to bed to sleep until noon.

S x

Friday 28 September 2012

26-18/09/12: Matriculation and sleep deprivation

The last few days have been a little hectic, and consequently I have not actually gotten round to writing on here. Wednesday (26th) was PE and Drama. We learnt more about how to organise a PE lesson for different abilities within a group, and a few games to help improve everyone's skills (rolling, kicking, throwing, batting etc) It's good for me to learn, because I never enjoyed games at school - and I hope that I can learn to teach with the encouragement that lacked in my education. Drama was my all time least favourite lesson. It was (and I guess still is) a popularity contest. The more popular people are generally more confident and so gain recognition from the teacher. I did not enjoy drama. I will always remember hating my teacher for forcing me to perform in front of people that I did not like or trust, and I think drama is all about trust in yourself and the audience. It is deeply personal, it is a time when you have to let down your defences because that is the only way to become a character. And if you do that you leave yourself open to be hurt. That is why I hated drama. The lesson therefore was walked into with dread. After the intro, we played 'hand touch' which I am awesome at it turns out, and then we did some improv - which I find really difficult (thinking on my feet.... probably a skill I should learn) and then we did some activities around a scene. The scene was a 'character passage' about being survivors after a long journey, and making this new place our home. No detail of where we were, or had come from, where why we moved or what happened in the journey. And we split into four groups. My group was creating a map of where we had come from, the second group did a set of two freeze-frames with thought tapping of the scene prior to leaving and whilst fleeing. The third group did four freeze-frames depicting the journey, and the final group did hot-seating of the thoughts post arrival. Finally we finished with a conscience alley. It was a lot better than I anticipated, and I actually look forward to the next lesson. I still don't like drama, but I will keep an open mind at least.

27th: Science and Music today. Music is always an odd one for me. On the one hand I love songs, and singing (I'm not sure I can sing, but I enjoy singing!) but in the other hand, I really can't play instruments.... I guess teaching music therefore makes me feel rather nervous! We started with warm up music games, which seem pretty simple - and were rather fun! Next we learnt different techniques for building up children's confidence with beats and rhythm, as well as pitch and harmony. Science was all about making the subject interactive - we did junk modelling to create the inside of the human body.

Thursday evening, was also matriculation. So, nice pretty dresses, lovely meal, and a strange ritual of Latin/Anglo Saxon (?) words whilst drinking wine from an African Horn.... Only at Cambridge.

28th: Today (because now I am caught up) is, as always English Friday! Poetry to be specific, we learnt different techniques to encourage and entice poems from our class, and a huge array of poets to read up/teach. One great resource is: It is definitely worth some time - there are recordings of poets performing their work and interviews about works, and just thousands of poems! We did write our own poem (a group work) taking elements from the different games/lesson ideas we had been taught. Ours is a haiku, and I hope you enjoy it!

The wild cake robots
Blotted out the summer sun
darkness envelops

S x

Tuesday 25 September 2012

25.09.2012: Maths and a million things to do

Tuesday, my first Mathematics lecture. I'm pretty certain some people will not be successful teachers, not because they don't know their subject matter, but more because they know too much and seem to have forgotten that they are training to teach CHILDREN.... Proving through trigonometry might be fun, but if you present that to a 5 year old they would laugh, and an 11 year old would be scared from Maths for LIFE. (Little rant over)

I actually really like maths, its always been my strong suit, and I had really great teachers that made it fun. That is my aim for when I teach - to captivate the children's attention, and get them interested in investigating, and just being able to see the real-life applications. After all, how often do you hear adults say 'I never used algebra in real life' but they do without even realising it. And it is this generation of people that put children off the subject as much as those who expect too much/make it too number-y! Maths is FUN. Fact.

This afternoon, we had a lecture about everything we need for our first placement... which is basically a tree's worth of forms to fill in and read and understand and process and edit and print and sign. It basically means I have even more things to do (like another 20 things on my to do list) and less time than I thought to write my essay!

One good thing though, some of my books arrived today! Whoop. Textbooks to help me!

Best be off to do all my jobs!

S x

Monday 24 September 2012

24.09.2012: Reading, Poetry and Twister

Today has been another really lovely day - first day of my lift share (which made the journey go SO much quicker) AND, after we got to class we had to do an observation session.... which involved playing with children's toys :) I observed first - the rest of the group played with brio trains, and then it was my turn to play... and we played Twister! Which is the best game ever. Fact. And finally, we made a jigsaw puzzle (which is harder than it seems when there are four of you making it!)

This afternoon, we had a talk (well performance) from Tony Mitton - a childrens poet and picture book writer. He is a really lovely man, and his poems are really good - for all ages, Early Years right through to Secondary. If you are studying Early Years definitely check out his picture books, and some of his re-telling of classic stories (generally in poem form) as they are a great way to get children into the idea of rhyme with a story that they will generally know. If you are interested, check out his website at:

So that brings me to know, I have a lovely collection of books to read - mainly Harry Potter at the moment, but also The Diary of Anne Frank and Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. But first, I need to read a lot of text books/journals for my essay (oh yes, I still haven't actually started it)

Have a great night,

S x

Sunday 23 September 2012

23.09.2012: Grey Day, Grey Mood

Today, is Sunday. Today it is raining. Today I feel down (and possibly a bit ill)

Basically I had the worst nights sleep. I think I clocked up about two, maybe as much as three hours. So I am generally feeling a bit tired, both physically and mentally. I'm trying to do my background reading for my first essay, but nothing is going in. Literally nothing at all.

This happens to everyone right?!? I assume so, but I didn't think this early on! Maybe it's my body rebelling at the early mornings, or just my body releasing the stress of the past few months. It is going to be an early night - possibly as early as 4pm if I carry on feeling like this. Its not even 3pm and I'm wrapped up in PJs and a blanket, with woolly socks and a hot chocolate.

Right, so tip of the week: Keep on top of everything. Make sure your notes are kept in order and get things done as soon as you can - because if you leave it and can't download it later you will kick yourself.

S x

Saturday 22 September 2012

22.09.2012: No rest for the wicked. Or trainee teachers.

It is the weekend, and I get no time to rest. 18 things on the to do list, I hope for at least 10 to be completed by tonight... But lets all hope for more!

English subject knowledge test and Audit. Nothing will ever fill me with more dread in my entire life than those words. I actually feel physically panicked at the thought of having to complete them again!

So, after a day of sitting and typing, I have achieved nothing at all on my essay, but I have done a lot of other things! There are 10 things left on my list, so I achieved my goal, but I could have done more.... If the links I needed had worked (connected to the right thing or actually allowed me to download my documents!) For the rest of the night I shall be doing my background reading for my essay in the hope that I will digest it all in my sleep and be more than prepared to write it all tomorrow. It is a short essay - only 2000 words, which is good in some ways - I should be able to write it in a day (like tomorrow) but such a short essay does mean I am likely to spend a long time chopping bits out....

Today I have also invested in some books - some being the operative word as I can't afford them all!! Student loans wrote to me today to say I need to send back another form and then they will think about sending me my money, so fingers crossed that gets sorted for next week! I would recommend buying your books prior to the start of your course unlike me, because its amazing how quick the essay has come along (that is our first essay was given to us on day two of the course...) I think my library card will take a beating this year as I have to create a reading journal for English also - full of children's books for all ages. I hope to have at least 100 books read and reviewed for their learning potential by the end of the year.

I'm off to carry on with my reading... well if CamTools lets me log back in so I can link to the articles...

Have a nice evening - I am celebrating this long, tiring, exciting week (plus getting my degree results) with a Chinese Takeaway :)

S x

21.09.2012: First Week Complete!

SO, it has been a long week, but I have loved every second of it!

Today, was (as Friday always will be, English day) I should probably explain now that English and Foreign Languages were my least favourite subjects at school, so the idea of a day of English fills me with dread. Saying this, I wasn't bad at them, in my GCSE English Literature and Language (and French for that matter) I got an A in each, so I know I am not particularly bad, I just don't enjoy it (in the same way that pretty much all my course mates seem to dislike Maths) But, it was all about the kids literature, so that makes me very happy!

I have to read children's books, so hello excuse to read the Hunger Games again, and Harry Potter, Famous Five, Charlie and Lola, Jolly Postman, Biff and Chip, and the rest! I am basically re-visiting my childhood (and teenage years, and my adulthood so far)

So, now I am off to read some story books. And write an essay.And read some uni texts. And write a journal. And takes a practice test. And update my CV. And fill out some paperwork. And you get the idea.

There is a lot to do, but its one week in, and I figure if I can cope with this week I shall be able to cope with the rest of the year.... Fingers crossed!

S x

Thursday 20 September 2012

20.09.2012: Health and Safety

This morning I left with plenty of time - and hour and 45 to travel 37 miles... even in rush hour that should be an easy drive. But three miles out, I hit the stand still. It took me nearly 40 mins to do the last 3 miles, which is a slower speed than I walk. Oh well, luckily I had made good time on the rest of the journey and was still in on time :)

Today, I feel like I have been talked to a lot! Mainly because my one interactive session was first thing, and then I had health and safety and ICT in the classroom lectures. Both of which were about similar things.

Health and Safety now officially covers safeguarding of children - so risk assessments as well as dealing with bullying and abuse. And ICT was much about e-safety - keeping your life as a teacher private, and how to cope with the restrictive firewalls in the classroom.

I have 9 things to complete/start tonight. A couple will be really quick (I just need to put a form in my bag for example) but other will take slightly longer (like reading, and essay writing). But no-one said this year would be easy. And it already isn't! Still, I wouldn't change career just because of the work, I wouldn't change career for anything.

S x

Wednesday 19 September 2012

19.09.2012: A day of initials

  • P.E. 
  • I.C.T. 
  • D.T.
Today was a fabulous day! 

P.E. we basically played with different equipment - balls, hoops, skipping ropes, bats and rackets and cones. And learnt some starter games (cups and saucers, the bean game) and crowd control (splitting teams before hand - fair ways and non-popularity ways as well as ways to get children understanding that even though they are running around and excitable;e, you are still in control.)

I.C.T. was mainly to teach us how to use the file sharing/email/course system. Its a subject that fills me with dread because I just don't understand computers! But I'm getting there!

D.T. was about making pop-up and lever movement systems out of card, which was fun as I did this with a class last year, so I know how children get on with it (well, at least I know how those children did)

Now, I have homework to do, so I'll speak to you tomorrow.

S x

18.09.2012: Long but fun day

Today (which is now yesterday) was really great fun, we began with a lecture on the changes in the educational system - it was actually rather fascinating, and if you are interested, I would recommend the following link: This video was shown to us, it was made in 2006 (possibly...) and even in six years it is possible to see some of the changes that are already embedded into our lives.

Later, we had to create a presentation... I was a tree. And, lets face it, there is no better role in any production than the tree.

Obviously, I look awesome. Fact.

Aside from that, that was my day done. But I did have some really great news, my final exam results came through and I have a 2.1! Whoop!

S x

Tuesday 18 September 2012

17.09.2012: Slightly late....

First day, lots of paperwork and introduction meetings. Why all of this couldn't have been done on enrolment or enrolment done today is beyond me.

I arrived more than early - I had to be in at 10, but I was doing a Monday morning traffic practice as I normally have to be in for 9am so hit all the rush hour traffic... But, I made it to the University building for 8.50, so I'm pretty certain that it's not as bad as I first thought. But maybe I am naive.

My timetable seems rather nice, Friday afternoons off for the most part and the occasional late start. And so many placements :) There are some really lovely people on the course, and a few that I'm not sure will make good teachers - possibly because they spent their entire first day trying to speak in 'big' words - and I wanted to yell at them and mention that they are training to become PRIMARY school teachers, and there are NO children that will understand. AT ALL. But again, maybe that's just my belief? I've always been one to think you shouldn't talk down to children, but that still means that you have to modify your language to use words that they will understand.

Well, I started my homework last night - one piece completed, one piece planned out of two. And I fear there will be more tonight.

But, right now, I have to head off to Cambridge on my two hour morning drive...

S x

Sunday 16 September 2012

16.09.2012: Enrolment

Today, was enrolment day. I went along at the appointed 10am and joined the queue of 100 or so people - possibly half the course as another load appeared after me. I stood in a line, and then another line and then I received my shiny new student ID and was told to join another line...

After that I was done. I'm not exactly sure what I expected, as I had the days timetable (and it was just enrolment) but I think I wanted a welcome lecture or something before I left. But all in all, I was in Cambridge for less than an hour and achieved pretty much nothing!

TOMORROW is when the lectures start, and when I lose my life to work!

Wish me luck,

S x

Saturday 15 September 2012

15.09.2012: My day to sleep!

So, today is the last day of no longer being a student. That being a peculiar way of saying I enrol at Cambridge tomorrow. 10am start, so I get a little lay in and then I enrol and I'm sure more but I can't find the  timetable so I'm planning on going and just following someone who seems to know what they are doing.

Note to self: Organisation is key.

S x

Friday 14 September 2012

14.09.2012: Day Five

Today, I write to you from a place somewhere close to snoozeland.... After around 2 hours sleep I headed for my last day on placement: another day in Year 3, but with a different class.

Again, there were the naughty kids that you remember almost immediately, but the rest of the class was a bit wishy-washy. Nice kids, but unmemorable (at least after a day)

Basic day today, numeracy and literacy (which basically continued from yesterday in the other class) and a bit of reading and free 'reward' time.

But I am through it - my week of home based school experience is completed. Now begins the real tough times begin! I officially enrol on Sunday and start on Monday... and I still don't know if I am actually on the course because I still don't have my degree results! C'est la vie!

S x

Thursday 13 September 2012

13.09.2012: Day Four

Exhaustion hit in today. It's my own fault, I'm still jet lagged as we flew home from the States on Sunday, and I was basically straight in without any sleep on Monday. But it caught up with me today.

So, baring in mind I was (and am now, so apologies for spelling mistakes/crazy ramblings) shattered, I had a really good day. I was in with Year 3 today - it was an odd mixture of kids. There were two which melted me immediately, 4 or 5 which were either naughty or didn't want to be there and most of the rest were pretty much invisible. Not that they were quiet, but that they made pretty much no impression on me - you could put them in a line up and I wouldn't have a clue who I was looking for.

It was the first class I've been in where the teacher habitually wears jeans to teach in, and my suspicions were confirmed that behaviour would e worse (although I admit its not really a fair test as I was there for one day and that could have just been an off day. It also could be to do with the specific set of children and their own idiosyncrasies and it could have been because a lot of them were not English as a first language. But I think I will always maintain that casual dress in a school should be reserved only for 'mufti' days.

Today consisted of literacy, numeracy and IPC (I actually have no idea what that stands for....) In literacy, we were studying instructions, and I go to help teaching the lesson about note taking in order to get the instructions down quickly. Numeracy was about 'moving on by x' - so moving on by 2 or 10 from a given number and trying to spot patterns. And IPC was about 'the brain' and what it helps us to do.

Last day on this placement tomorrow, so I need to get everything signed and sorted and then I can head home for my one days break before I begin my actual PGCE!

Night, S x

Wednesday 12 September 2012

12.09.2012: Day Three

Today... I look back at it and it seems like nothing, but I know the kids (and adults) didn't stop all day. Basically, the class did literacy (phonics, reading and writing) for the entire morning and then PSHE (or whatever it is now called) for the afternoon. And I am exhausted.

I realised how much I don't like people - especially arrogant, self-centred, rude people who for some reason have decided to enter this profession. The children on the other-hand are still really cute despite their teachers...

One other thing I noticed was that at year 5 level, the children are still only writing in pencil in their books. In the school I've been working in for the past two years they write in pen by the end of year two... It may just be the way the school is, but I personally feel kids should be able to (and trusted to) use a pen by the age of 10. I would love to know if this is a general norm and my school is the unusual one, or if this is the oddity?

Quick one again, as I have a million notes to write up and I want to sleep. And eat chocolate.

S x

Tuesday 11 September 2012

11.09.2012: Day Two

I am clearly going to have to find a better way of naming my posts because I am already irritated with numbering them.

Today I was in year 1 - I love the little squishies. Cute as they are, I still think I prefer year 2 or possibly 3. I know I could teach Year 1, or even reception if it came to it, but they are so needy that after a couple of years I think I would crack! Basically today I got most of my observations out of the way (I still need one more phonics session, but I can do that tomorrow) so I can pretty much just enjoy the rest of the week :)

We did numeracy (finger counting and adding) and phonics and literacy where we wrote out a sentence about our favourite part of a story (Whatever Next?). And then we did science/art - labelling diagrams/drawing on body parts. Lovely day, the kids were enthusiastic, and adorable. But really clingy. I seem to have found my niche as 1:1 child support for SEN kids - must break out of this habit!

Still, its nice moving round and seeing different lessons and ages etc. I think I'm going to have to find a way to label all my uni notes like blogs as the connective labels are REALLY useful.

S x

Monday 10 September 2012

10.09.2012: Day One

Day one.... early start. Left for the school at 6.50am in order to get into the school and print the days resources. So naturally, the entire computer system was down and no printing could occur. Cue: much irritation, stress and flapping. I guess Lesson one occurred there, always print off your resources at least a day before, but ideally more!

Once the day began I spent it with a Year 5 class, 9-10years old. City kids, with attitude. But to be honest, they were still pretty sweet. It was odd really, because they were less mature than I imagined - possibly because I've been working in a lower school, so the top year is Year 4.... and they seem to mature quicker because they are the top of the school sooner (but don't get the school change at year 6, so stay sweet in the 'middle' phase for longer). <-- Not sure what to do when you end a sentence with a bracket.... guess I should swat up on my punctuation rules sooner rather than later.

Anyhow, they class, like any primary school class, has the higher, middling and lower abilities, and are excitable (in the most part) and want to learn. Unlike some of the other classes in the school, the children all speak English (although still not as a first language for some - but ultimately, they speak English really well) and are clearly very bright children. It's going to be interesting seeing how they progress throughout the year, because they all seem in need of 'finding their place' in the class (despite being in the same form group since receptions from what I understand) but then I guess this is about the time that they begin to really come into their personalities.

One thing I did find thoroughly strange was that teachers are allowed to wear jeans in class - all the schools I have been in have required smart/office dress, with the only exception being for non-uniform days, trips (depending on where) and p.e. lessons. I'm looking forward to seeing if the dress of the teachers does have an affect on the children's behaviour (also need to brush up on affect and effect... I probably chose the wrong one there!) I think a more relaxed dress code for the teachers might have a negative impact on learning, purely because there is less of a definitive 'I am in charge and this is where we learn' without a dress code. Teachers become more like Mum or a friend that just happens to be looking after you. But thats just speculation for now. We shall see where I am tomorrow and take it from there!

S x

Sunday 9 September 2012

09.09.2012: It all starts tomorrow

So, the time has come to start my PGCE. Its been a tough year leading up to this point - final year of my degree and two emergency operations - including an appendectomy that forced me to take my final exams late - so now I get to start my course without actually knowing if I am on it or not! But, supposing I am in, here are the basics: I'm 24 yrs old, I took three gap years, where I worked, travelled and volunteered. I will have (finally) completed my degree in Business Management and Enterprise at DMU (I really wouldn't recommend based on my experience with them this year) and I'm just about to start on my PGCE in Primary Education at Cambridge. This blog is my first ever blog, and (providing I remember to write it) should be the year long following of my experiences. Be they good, bad or indifferent, or possibly just a daily reminder for myself of what I have done. It could be a stark warning or a great advertisement, only time will tell.

Tomorrow I start on what is called 'home-based school experience'. It's not the same for every course, but for me it is 5 days in a school in which I have not attended as either staff or pupil. For this I have chosen to go to a school in London - about 75miles from where I actually live. Why London? Well, firstly, I've never studied or worked here so it covers those criteria, but more importantly for my experience, I have spent the last two years volunteering and working in a local village school - a very quaint, middle class, C of E, just over 100 pupils village school. So this school, will be a new challenge - its not a bad school, but it is not what I have been used to. Many of the children speak English as a second language, and others speak no English at all. Further, the school is about triple the size of the one I've been working in, and the area is, well, it's London it's a massive city, it's not my little villages. 

So, that's why I'm here. The challenge, the requirement and the opportunity.

Tomorrow it begins, bright and early. Nerves will probably hit in then, but for now, I am quite excited about this new part to my life.

S x