Monday 12 November 2012

12.11.12: One good. One great.

Today, I was back on placement. Back with the Year 6 class, back in the chaos of schools, and back in charge.

The day began with Literacy - in which we are teaching the Jabberwocky - I took the lowest set, and we worked pretty damn hard to understand what a noun, verb, adjective and adverb are. We then dissected the first stanza of the poem deciding, based on the sentence structure, what nonsense words were (noun, verb, etc.)  and finally deciding how we each individually interpret the nonsense words to mean.

Tip of the week: if you do the above, do not let the children look up certain words on the internet (mimsy being one) as there are all sorts of issues....

This afternoon, we took a science lesson, 'on the hoof' as it were. I cannot take a lot of credit for the lesson as my placement partner took most of it, with myself interjecting mainly for clarification and more technical information (such as the difference between melting and dissolving). But it was an out and out success. I shall be leading this same lesson on Wednesday, so I took note of the positives and the negatives (there were very few) and as out double act goes, hope that it is fine tuned by then!

As for now, I am off to read a book for my assignment (told you I would do it...)

S x

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